In an effort to streamline the hay buying process,
- We will do this on a first come, first served basis.
- Anyone that wants to purchase alfalfa must send an email to
- Price is $13.50 per bale.
- When we receive your email, we will reply back to you that we received your order.
- All orders will be filled to the best of our ability. In the event that we have more orders than bales, we will start by limiting each person to 30 bales. Those orders that we were unable to fill will be placed first on the list for the next cutting.
- When the hay is cut, we will send out a courtesy email to everyone who has placed an order. That way you will know that in approximately 3 days the hay will be baled.
- If someone decides not to purchase hay, the unpurchased hay will go to the next person in line that didn't have an order fulfilled.
- Bales can be picked up as soon as they are stacked. If we meet you there, you can pay us with cash or check. If we don’t meet you there, you can mail a check. Make it out to AEDGE&TA and send it to Tim Brain, 12315 Desert Mirage Circle, El Mirage, AZ 85335 As a courtesy to Debbie, please send her an email that you mailed a check.
We will no longer be selling to the general public, and only to members. Any leftover bales will be sold wholesale or donated to the Equine Rescue Center.